Business English Day: Learning English for all ages within reach

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Fecha(s) - 28/02/2014
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Centro de Emprendedores

Categorías No Categorías

The province of Alicante enjoys an enormous international language and culture wealth.  Ther are around 130.000 native English speakers linving in the province together with residents of many other nationalities who also speak in English.  Not to forget that the province is a popular tourist destination all year round.

We are living in a globalised world and one of its consequences is the need to speak several languages.  In Spain, learning languages to a satisfactory level has always been a pending task, this is why it is essential to promote certain resources which will enable everyone to have access to new cultures and learning foreign languages.  Fortunately, there is NO need to leave your country, nor your province in order to learn English, a language most widely used nowadays worldwide.

We present different ways in wich novel and successful initatives are being hel in the province, whose aim is to create added value and innovate in a very difficult sector such as the services an tourism.  Organisatios and companies alike woik together in order to offer better possibilities to learn and improve our English skills at a highly satisfactory level with out spending much.


Arnacha Villar Domene e Iker Inchauspe Prego. San Juan Bilingüe.

Verónica González Pérez y Cristina López.  Happy Sport.


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