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Job search space

If you are searching for a job, the Agency puts at your disposal qualified professionals who will guide you to set your personal and professional objectives and will facilitate you the information and resources that will help you find a job.

It is a space for employed or unemployed people, interested in working in a self-employed way, equiped with Internet connected computers and having access to SERVEF employment offers, as well as the main job boards on the Internet. It also counts with specialized support.

Choose your area

Main offices,
Puerta Ferrisa

Jorge Juan Street, 21. 03002 Alicante

From Monday to Friday, 9 to 14 h.

965 145 700

Employment and Training Centre El Tossalet

Abad Fernández Helguera Street, 23. 03014 Alicante

From Monday to Friday, 9 to 14 h.

965 930 338

Downotwn area,
Las Cigarreras

Sevilla Street, 2.
03012 Alicante

From Monday to Friday, 9 to 14 h.

965 313 609