European Projects

Take advantage of European funding opportunities

The European Projects Department can offer you information about all kinds of programmes underaken by the European Union aimed at improving employment, entrepreneurship, the setting up of new businesses or supporting the new initiatives of existing enterprises.


We specialized in seeking European funs to counteract lower incomes from city councils while guaranteeing the quality of the projects and services.

Information about calls and international opportunities.

Participation in transnational consortia.

Preparations of proposals.

Training courses on European issues, call and projects.

Calls revision and forwarding to other local areas.

Technical assitance and project management.

"Impulsalicante con Europa" Newsletter

European newsletter launched in July 2014 and addressed at all public and private local agents, enterprises and general public; and aimed at informing entities and businesses in Alicante about European news, calls and events of their interest.

This monthly newsletter is distributed by email and can be accessed online through this website.